Our insights on the advertising, marketing and cultural trends in Japan.
Ship to Japan from Overseas vs. Fulfill E-Commerce Orders Domestically
Should international brands ship from overseas or from within Japan? Our Japanese consumer survey gives some insight.
Creating Brand Value for Social Commerce
As social networks increase their in-app e-commerce capabilities, social commerce is becoming more mainstream. Here’s how brands should approach social media to increase sales.
Japanese Media Consumption Trends and Behavior in 2020
An in-depth look at how people in Japan are currently consuming media – the channels their attention is in, the networks they’re using, where they shop and more
The Importance of Brand Purpose in Customer Loyalty
With consumers having access to more information and more choices than ever, they often consider how a company impacts society before purchasing.
Content and the Japanese Consumer Survey 2019
The current relationship between digital content and the Japanese consumer in 2019 - Differences with other markets and the actions they take.