Our insights on the advertising, marketing and cultural trends in Japan.
How to Set Up a Google Ads Account and Link it to an Agency
This step-by-step guide explains how to open a Google Ads account and give your agency access.
Why Followers Matter Less Now
Followers don’t mean as much as they used to. Here’s why and what brands should focus on instead.
How to build Your Employer Brand to Recruit Talent Better
Building an employer brand can lead to a +400% increase in job inquiries.
Instagenic vs. Connection on Instagram in Japan
Changes in consumer behaviors on Instagram in Japan means brands need to go from an “Instagenic” approach to a more connection-focused one.
How Commercial Properties Do Instagram
How commercial properties, like shopping malls, from the US and Japan run their Instagram accounts.
Coffee, Cafes and Marketing in Japan
A look at the current relationship Japanese consumers have with coffee, as well as marketing case studies on a few popular coffee and cafe businesses in Japan.
Creating Brand Value for Social Commerce
As social networks increase their in-app e-commerce capabilities, social commerce is becoming more mainstream. Here’s how brands should approach social media to increase sales.
Creating Brand Value in the Direct-To-Consumer Era
Decreased barriers to entry in communication and e-commerce have increased hurdles for brands to differentiate and stand out. This is how they should consider creating value.
How to Measure the Effectiveness of Facebook and Instagram Ads
How to measure business outcomes gained through Facebook and Instagram advertising in order to more effectively allocate budgets.
Maximizing Amazon Sales by Coordinating Amazon Ads with Social Media
Combining Amazon’s strengths with external platform strengths is the best way to maximize Amazon sales.
TikTok’s Role in Today’s Marketing Strategies
TikTok ‘s overwhelming ability to gain recognition gives it an important role in today’s marketing strategies.
TikTok’s Unique Strength? Consumer-Generated Ads
Low participation barriers and immersion make TikTok a place where users create ads for businesses.
Implementing a Modern Full Funnel Marketing Strategy
What full-funnel marketing looks like in 2019, why both online and offline businesses need to do it, and case studies of its implementation.
The Importance of Brand Purpose in Customer Loyalty
With consumers having access to more information and more choices than ever, they often consider how a company impacts society before purchasing.
Tik Tok Ads Coming in 2019
These are the Tik Tok ad types coming in 2019 globally based on what’s already been launched in Japan.
How Burger King Leveraged Influencers for Free
Influencers began talking about Burger King without getting paid. Here’s what Burger King did.
Important Customer Service Trends that Businesses Need to Address
How businesses can provide customer service to today’s consumers according to their wants and behaviors..
Getting Instagram Followers and the Most Overlooked Factor
There’s one major factor in growing an Instagram following that often goes overlooked.
From Consumption to Connection: Facebook for Marketers in 2018
Facebook’s News Feed changes and what marketers need to do for it in 2018
Why Will Smith Started Vlogging
Will Smith has gone all in on social media recently, a decision that more and more celebrities will make. There's a big reason why.