How Commercial Properties Do Instagram

How are commercial hubs like shopping malls running their Instagram accounts?

We analyzed Instagram accounts for a few different commercial properties from different parts of the United States as well as one in Japan.

2020 has been a challenging year and many of these properties had to adapt to connect with their community as people went out less and digital played a bigger role than ever.

What we’ve compiled:

Our free brief of over 30 pages - which was initially made for our client in Japan - takes a look at a few different commercial properties in very different markets.

After explanations of the properties, we provide a general account analysis, followed by examples of the types of posts they create, what can be learned from them, as well as recent performance metrics.

If you or someone you know is curious about how commercial properties are doing Instagram, are stumped for content ideas for your own business, or are interested in how Instagram is done by businesses in different markets, this is for you.


Instagenic vs. Connection on Instagram in Japan


Instagram in Japan in 2020